RefinementYesterday I fixed up the 2 biggest problems with Whoops.
- Calf catching the derailleur as I push forwards
- Knee hitting the handlebar as I recover my leg
You can make these things out on the left... There's not too much spare room in there once the cover's on! So, I made a few changes to the mid drive....
The Mid drive is a step up gear arrangement. As it was, the initial drive was geared, and the final drive was single speed. You see, there are 2 chains in there.
So, now, I modified the mid drive & the wheel.

I shifted the multiple gears down to the wheel, along with the derailleur. The mid drive is only 2 cogs now. So now I have a much straighter hip to ankle line & I can push harder.
I'll give you some numbers. Front chainring is 52 teeth, Mid drive is 15 & 32 teeth. Wheel cogs are 28 through 11. In the biggest gear, 1 turn of the pedals rotates the wheel 52/15 x 32/11 = 10.08 times. So, at a pedal speed of 100 revs per minute (fast but not extreme), we'll be sitting on 1607 m/minute, or 96.5kmh. Push up to 120 rpm, and we'll be riding at 115kmh.
I also cut the handlebars a bit narrower, which should prevent the knee banging. I will eventually install a second brake, but not sure where I'll put the lever!